A chain is just as strong as its weakest link. In the exact same method, your safety system is only as strong as your weakest Work Health and Safety treatment. We’ve composed this post to help you carry out an effective evaluation of your Work Health and Safety procedures, see where you’re weak, and enhance what you can. We determined five arenas of safety procedure where you need to be strong – and where weakness can devastate. We hope you’re empowered and influenced.
We identified these 5 arenas by taking a walk through the Occupational Safety Solutions (OSS) blog site because July 2016. Given that this article discuss 20 different posts, it’s also a fantastic way to get an overview of near to 4 years of resources. You can read the ones that are appropriate to you.
The 5 arenas we will concentrate on are:
1. Mindsets.
2. Methods.
3. Leadership.
4. Currency.
5. Affordability.
We profile each arena, to motivate you, enable you focus and empower solutions.
It’s very easy to seem like work health and safety procedures slow things down, entangle production, and decrease profit. These are easy to understand understandings, however they’re also incorrect – if you’re executing Work Health and Safety well.
There are three necessary mindsets that we’ll address:.
1. A quality-focused state of mind,.
2. A competitive state of mind, and.
3. A revenue frame of mind.
We presented the quality frame of mind in April 2017. We did a six-part expose on style methods and quality guarantee procedures.
Yes, we wanted you to appreciate the specialised work we do, but we were also casting a light on WHS procedures, processes and resources that support and instil quality. The pertinent posts (of that six-part series) can be accessed on our blog.
The next arena was a competitive frame of mind since while quality control is handy, you also need to win tenders. This extremely competitive process can promote corner-cutting, even with workplace health and safety.
But loose Work Health and Safety procedures do not help you construct momentum in tendering success. This is why in July 2018, we attended to a variety of WHS resources and the function they play in winning tenders. Topics consisted of WHS Management Systems and Plans, the function of templated solutions, AS 4801 and ISO 45001 compliance, and third-party certification. That short article was called Win Your Building and Construction Tender.
Completing this arena with an earnings state of mind, we released “Safety Procedures Enable Your People and Your Profit” in December 2019.
We resolved a variety of workplace safety and culture issues that affect success – including the incorrect mindset that Work Health and Safety procedures are an obstacle to revenue.
If any of these ‘mindsets’ stretch your viewpoint, the relevant post may be worth a read (and as always, if you believe we’re incorrect, let us understand).
Work Health and Safety PROCEDURE ARENA 2|METHODS.
Taking a purposeful appearance at your methods is the next sensible step when you’ve resolved problem mindsets. To do this, we propose you:
1. Define how things ought to be.
2. Develop a strategy to tighten things up, and.
3. Put that strategy into action.
Identifying how things really should be isn’t easy. Workplace health and safety requirements are shaped by the specifics of your business and project( s), and pulling together all the essential aspects can feel like assembling 101 products of various IKEA furniture – at the very same time and without guidelines.
To aid with this, we released two articles addressing this issue. In April 2017, we revealed you how to assemble your Work Health and Safety safety resource handbook, and we evaluated the effectiveness of some other Work Health and Safety procedural resources. In August 2019, we cleared up a typical location of confusion, discussing the difference in between a Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) and a Work Health and Safety Management Plan (WHSMP).
Developing a plan comes next. To this end, our July 2016 article should prove valuable. Utilising the example of our WHSMP design template, we discussed (in short) how four essential elements impact the 100 plus pages and 14 different focus locations covered. From higher-level WHS policy creation through to SWMS and review processes, we wished to empower your effective planning..
The four WHS ‘vitals’ were:.
1. Meticulousness in your terms,
2. Obligation,
3. The breadth of protection,
4. And Customisations.
It’s time to lead when you have your strategy. Individuals require to be led and supervised. Fortunately, leaders are made, not born, so we consist of leadership methods, strategies and concepts in our writing, our resource production, and our consultations..
In “How to Lead a 2020 WHS Procedures and policies Revival” we analysed the function of leadership. We proposed 5 effective and possible methods and attended to 8 domains of workplace leadership. If you ‘d like to research those specifics, the Part One and Part Two articles can be seen by following the links.
No discussion of leadership would be complete without dealing with the concerns of trouble, defiance and absentmindedness. When a Work Health and Safety procedure is not followed, these 3 aspects are frequently at play. This is why, in the second half of 2018, we worked with Safety-minder software application to bring you a digital phone-based WHS platform – producing convenience, sending out suggestions, eliminating reasons, and as a reward, reducing everybody’s administrative problems.
Work Health and Safety PROCEDURE ARENA 4|CURRENCY.
Staying up to date with the WHS legislation and regulations can be challenging. The quantity of change is not that great, but when modification does occur, it is generally significant, and the compliance can be troublesome..
4 locations of recent or resisted modification include:.
1. The Environment ( Sep 2016).
2. Electrical Wiring Rules (AS/NZS 3000:2018) ( May 2019).
3. RCS, or Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) ( Jul 2019), and.
4. Coronavirus ( Apr 2020).
Since these 4 subjects will not use to everyone, we won’t look into them here, but you can follow the links to read more.
Change WILL occur – for all of us. For this reason, we work hard to keep you notified of changes to legislation or guideline – specifically if it affects an item you previously bought from us. Often, we will offer a complimentary update if the modifications are not too cost-prohibitive at our end. We can’t ensure this service will cover whatever, but it sure will help.
We’ve been dealing with, and in, your company for this whole post, now it’s crunch time. We can remedy mindsets, fine-tune methods, exercise leadership, and keep up with all the changes, however if we do not do all of this cost effectively, there’ll be no earnings, and there’ll be no business.
We suggest that you gain access to Work Health and Safety resources that are:.
1. Fairly priced.
2. Quality assured,.
3. Totally certified with industry-relevant requirements.
We also recommend you use a provider that is services minded and genuinely useful. That means they’ll answer any relevant concern (not simply the ones that cause big-ticket sales) and they’re ready to describe and clarify issues, even when it costs them a sale. We ‘d also suggest you look for somebody who wants to take your call, and has the competency to address your concerns.
We are such a supplier – and we can back that claim!
We’ve never ever composed an article about our prices, and we probably never will, but I believe any reasonable analysis of our products will reveal our pricing is reasonable.
We discussed this in the six-part expose we did in 2017 (which we mentioned at the start of this post). There’s absolutely nothing casual about what we do.
We’ll address any appropriate question, even if it won’t lead to a big sale. An example of this was describing what a Safe Work Method Statement was, in November 2017. It’s a triviality topic that does not make much cash, however it is a question that should have a response.
We’re ready to lose a sale if stability dictates it. It’s hard to quantify the number of sales we’ve lost by offering honest answers, particularly to people that thought they needed something but didn’t. Maybe I need to compose about some of these, however I haven’t done it. Our reputation for honesty is rock-solid.
We welcome your phone call! That was our message to you in September last year. We want you to explain your circumstances, so we can both felt confident that you’ve got the maximum service.
By highlighting each of these arenas, you can much better prioritise, discriminate, optimise your usage of resources, and awaken your innovative and problem-solving characteristics..
Keeping in mind that a chain is just as strong as its weakest link, we encourage you to evaluate your WHS procedures, see where you’re weak, and enhance what you can. Mindsets, methods, currency, leadership and affordability are all deserving of your attention.
In the exact same way, your safety system is only as strong as your weakest WHS procedure. We’ve composed this article to help you perform an effective evaluation of your Work Health and Safety procedures, see where you’re weak, and reinforce what you can. Loose Work Health and Safety procedures do not help you construct momentum in tendering success. In April 2017, we revealed you how to assemble your WHS safety resource handbook, and we examined the efficiency of some other Work Health and Safety procedural resources. These three factors are often at play when a Work Health and Safety procedure is not followed.
Work Health and Safety or SWMS Help!
The best bet for any WHS or SWMS help is to speak with Andrew Watters from Occupational Safety Solutions.
For a detailed list of their SWMS Templates please go here: https://www.occupational-safety.com.au/collections/swms
They do have an office, visits by appointment only –
Occupational Safety Solutions
Address: Level 3/55 Pyrmont Bridge Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
Phone: 1800 304 336
Website: https://www.occupational-safety.com.au/ (Safety Management Systems)
Google Maps: https://g.page/occupational-safety-solutions?share
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